Feb 25, 2011

2 + 2 = 4

This week in Math we began working on Addition. We have practiced this throughout the year during different activities. Of course the kiddos didn't realize it! :-) They are excited about this new goal and doing extremely well! You can work on addition all the time at home with random objects around the house. Also at the store. Practice, Practice, Practice! It always helps! 

Feb 4, 2011

Snow Fun

It began to snow early this morning. When it started falling really good, we bundled up and headed out for a few minutes of snow fun! We were only out there about a minute when we got the all-call that we were dismissing early. So our fun was cut a wee bit short! Still had time for a couple pictures though!! :-) Hope you all have a great extra long weekend!

Had to have a lil fun ourselves! :-)