Sep 24, 2010

Hat Day

It was Hat Day today! Kiddos loved wearing their hats in the building all day long!

Let's Write On Our Desk!

Today we were practicing writing our names on our paper. As we were working a student dropped his marker and it left a pretty big mark on his desk. He saw the look on my face and wiped it off. I was intrigued so I doodled on the desk a bit and it erased RIGHT OFF!!! With this new development we put away our boring old papers and we wrote ALL OVER OUR DESKS!!! This may have been the most fun they have had this year! :-) After we wrote names for awhile I let them draw whatever they would like and I even went around and would add a little something to their pictures! It was a blast for all of us!

Sep 23, 2010

Conference Week

I would like to give a BIG THANKS to all the parents/guardians who came to our Parent/Teacher Conferences! This has been a super busy week! Tomorrow we are having Hat Day so I will be sure to take some pictures! Here are a few videos taken by the kiddos! :-)

Sep 17, 2010

Pledge of Allegiance

We have been working very hard on learning the Pledge of Allegiance. Today the kids did an amazing job! We even colored an American Flag. I'm so proud of all the things they are learning. Every day they come in so ready to learn about something new! We have also been learning about different types of lines: Vertical, Horizontal, and Backward Circles. They have tackled everything I have thrown at them! :-)

Sep 15, 2010

New Videos

Here is a couple new videos from class! One was taken by me and another taken by a student! I love how well they do with the flip camera! :-)

Sep 14, 2010

Special Markers & Magic Erasers

At the beginning of the year we practice writing our names, A LOT! I make each student a page that has their first and last name dotted in so that they can trace. Under each name (first and last) there are lines for the student to practice writing it on their own. I have each page laminated. I gave each student a "special" marker (dry erase) and a "magic" eraser (Mr. Clean Magic Eraser). The kiddos LOVE getting to use their special markers and the magic eraser. They work so hard on this paper writing it all so that they can erase and do it all over again! They don't realize how much this is helping them write their name! Shhh! Don't tell!

(Check out Class Photos Page for new pictures titled "Up Close & Personal")

Sep 12, 2010

New Pics & Video

The video as well as all the pictures on this post were taken by students during Center Time. Each day we rotate centers and someone gets to take pictures and another gets to take videos! The pictures are always so great to see and this video is CUTE! :-)

Do a Dance from Jessica Austin on Vimeo.

Sep 10, 2010

NFL Back to Football Friday

Our school is competing for a grant sponsored by the NFL. Schools nationwide were showing their football pride today. 34 schools will be selected and win a $10,000 NFL Play 60 health and wellness grant. Also, the winning school will have a visit from an NFL Player! Even I would love that! :-) The link to the website is:

All the students who participated in our NFL Back to School Friday had their picture taken and will possibly be posted on their website. Here is a picture of the students that participated in my class!

Sep 6, 2010

Graphing with Blocks

On Friday in Math we were working on Graphs. This was the first time we graphed and the kids did GREAT! We used blocks for this first time. We made one graph together and then the students made one on their own, no help from me! I was so impressed at how well they did! Here are some pics of them working hard! Go Kiddos! :-)

Sep 1, 2010

ABC Hip Hop

I love to find new songs for the students to learn and this one is called ABC Hip Hop! I love how in this song it splits up the letters L-M-N-O-P. Students often say this so fast that it becomes more like 1 letter instead of 5. The kiddos were so excited about me making another video that they needed a little encouragement to remember to sing. So, you will probably here me say "sing" just once and then they start! :-)

Untitled from Jessica Austin on Vimeo.

I am going to post some new pictures on the Class Photo Page!